Filmmaking mentor.
7 + years as filmmaking mentor of the World Nomads Travel Film Scholarship which attracts 1000 + applicants annually from around the world.
Mentor of the Champions of Change (2021) filmmaking project in the Southern Tablelands region of NSW. Participants make short films about preserving the local environment and species conservation.
Past teaching and mentoring experience includes 6 years of teaching video production skills (camera, sound, editing) at Metro Screen, mentoring TV producers in editing at the Australian Film & Television School (AFTRS) and mentoring regional content for ABC TV’s pioneering digital channel FLY TV.
Skills development.
Online masterclass in travel documentary filmmaking. Subjects include 1. Finding the Story. 2. Camera Tips & Tricks. 3. Getting the right sound. 4. Interview Tips & Tricks. 5. Post production Workflow. Hosted on the World Nomads Website.
Art of Communication.
5 Tips to master the art of communication for filmmakers. The kind of relationship that you establish with your subjects is absolutely fundamental to the tone and quality of the film you will make – so it’s important to communicate effectively, tactfully and efficiently in the field.
Video Editing.
“Award-winning documentary maker (and World Nomads Film Scholarship Mentor) explains how the right hardware and software ensure a smooth editing process.”
Interview Techniques.
Basic Interview Techniques for documentary with a focus on techniques for travel filmmaking - as part of a skills series for World Nomads
Scholarship Films.
Empowering Entrepreneurs - Tanzania
Choosing to travel responsibly starts when you book your trip. Learn how OneSeed Expeditions and World Nomads, with the support of local NGO Anza, are making a difference.
Scholarship film of Marissa Chabria
Sustainable Travel - Kerala, India.
Jigar Ganatra travels to Kerala, India, to learn about the work of Kabanitour, an organization helping tourism become a sustainable part of the economy.
Scholarship film of Jigar Ganatra
Education Through Tourism - Sapa, Vietnam
Travel to Sapa, Vietnam to meet Shu Tan, the founder of Sapa O’Chau, a local enterprise that organizes authentic and responsible treks and homestays.
Scholarship film of Josh Brown
Surfing in Colombia's El Choco
Join Coleman Lowndes as he travels to El Choco surf village on the Colombian coast, to discover why surfing is such an important part of growing up for local kids.
Scholarship film of Coleman Lowndes